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70,000th Baby Born at St. Alexius

The 70,000th baby to be born at St. Alexius is Andrew Michael Neigum, born to Kelli and Michael Neigum of Bismarck. He was born on May 19, at 1:34 a.m. He represents the third generation of Neigum’s to be born at the medical center.

They received a car seat filled with great items for mom and baby from Great Plains Health Company and donated gift certificates for dinner at TGIFriday’s, a portrait sitting at Photo Express, and movie tickets. Watch for his photo in the Bismarck Tribune this Sunday!!

Also, congratulations to Karen Schlomer in Environmental Services for winning the 70,000th baby countdown contest! Her guess out of nearly 400 entries was closest. She guessed May 19 at 1:15 a.m. She wins an oversized St. Alexius golf umbrella, a gift certificate from the Bistro and two movie tickets!

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