Geriatics (Older Adults)

The Eldercare Program at St. Alexius provides a variety of services for seniors, their family members, and professional caregivers.Geratrics

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Contact Us!
Call, write or email us if you would like more information about our services. We also welcome any ideas you may have about education program topics or additional services you would like to see through the Eldercare Program. We would love to hear from you!

St. Alexius Medical Center
Eldercare Program
900 E. Broadway Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501

Phone: (701) 530-7755
Fax: (701) 530-7701
Email: Sarah


The St. Alexius Human Performance Center is one of the area’s premiere therapeutic and rehabilitation facilities. It offers physical and occupational therapy in order to treat many of the conditions associated with aging. Some of the most common conditions treated at the HPC are ArthritisBalance and DizzinessVertigo and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). The therapists at the HPC will utilize a variety of modalities and manual treatments in order to reduce pain and swelling associated with Arthritis. Balance and Dizziness, and Vertigo are treated with a series of specialized exercises and may include the use of sophisticated equipment from NeuroCom within its Balance and Dizziness Center. St. Alexius has the only NeuroCom equipment in the region for the treatment of Balance and Dizziness. Ask the care providers of the Geriatrics COE if referral to the Human Performance Center is appropriate for you.

For more information about the St. Alexius Human Performance Center and its care of age related conditions, please call 701-530-8100 or 800-222-7858.

Support the Geriatrics (Older Adults) Center of Excellence

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