St. Alexius Medical Center has a strong heritage of healing. We believe that contact with friends and loved ones is an important part of the healing process. That is why we are proud to offer this convenient, free on-line greeting card service, so that you may offer friendly wishes or words of encouragement to a family member or friend who is in our care.
Your greeting will be viewed, printed and delivered by St. Alexius staff. We ask that you do not send any inappropriate or confidential information on the card. St. Alexius cannot deliver your greeting to patients who are undergoing outpatient procedures or diagnostic testing, who may be in our Emergency & Trauma Center, or those who have chosen not to be listed in our medical center directory. We will do our best to notify you your greeting was not delivered; however, to protect patient privacy, the reason will not be revealed.
Greeting Delivery
- Greetings are printed and delivered daily, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. and Saturday through Sunday, 12:00 Noon.
- Any greeting submitted on holidays will be delivered the next business day.
Your eCard Message
- To send a greeting, fill out the information below.
- All fields with an asterisk (*) are required to send a message.
- Your card is limited to 1500 characters.