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Top 10 Exercises for a Healthy Back

Back pain is a common problem, and you don’t have to do heavy physical work to develop it. Sitting for long periods of time, improper posture, stress, and lack of exercise can all contribute to back pain. Here are some exercises that can help keep your back strong, and reduce your chances of developing back problems.

1. Wall Slide

Muscles worked: back, hip, leg

Motion: stand with your back against a wall and feet shoulder-width apart. Slide down until your knees are bent to about 90 degrees. Count to 5 and slide back up the wall. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

2. Back Leg Raise

Muscles worked: back, hip

Motion: lie on your stomach. Tighten the muscles in one leg and raise it off the floor. Hold your leg up for a count of 10 and return it to the floor. Repeat 5 to 10 times with each leg.

3. Front Leg Raise

Muscles worked: stomach, hip

Motion: lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Keeping it straight, lift one leg off the floor and hold for a count of 10, then return it to the floor. Repeat 5 times with each leg. If this is too difficult, keep on knee bent with your foot flat on the ground while raising the other leg.

Seated variation: sit upright in a chair with legs straight and extended at an angle to the floor. Lift one leg waist high. Slowly return leg to the floor. Repeat 5 to 10 times with each leg.

4. Back Leg Swing

Muscles worked: back, hip

Motion: stand behind a chair with your hands on the back of the chair. Extend one leg back and up while keeping your knee straight. Return slowly. Repeat 5 to 10 times with each leg.

5. Double Knee-to-chest

Muscles worked: low back

Motion: lie flat on your back. Slowly bring one knee toward your chest. Hug your knee tightly enough to feel a mild stretch in your low back. Hold for the count of 10. Lower your leg and repeat with the other leg. Once you are comfortable with one knee at a time, try bringing both knees to your chest. Bring one leg up at a time and then hug both knees to your chest. Don’t arch your back during any part of this exercise.

6. Stomach Push-up

Muscles worked: back, stomach, arms

Motion: lie on your stomach with your palms flat on the floor even with your shoulders. Slowly push up, straightening your arms, and gently stretching your stomach, but keeping your pelvis and legs on the floor. Hold for a count of 10, and then slowly return to the floor. Repeat 5 times.

7. Back Bend

Muscles worked: back, stomach

Motion: stand with your feet slightly apart. Place your hands in the small of your back. Keep your knees straight. Gently bend backwards at the waist as far as possible and hold the position for 1 or 2 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

8. Modified Push-up

Muscles worked: back, stomach, arms, chest, shoulders

Motion: lie face down with your palms flat on the floor, just to the sides of your shoulders, and with your elbows bent so that they point upward. Keeping your knees on the floor slowly push your chest up. Your upper thighs, back, neck, and head should be in a straight line. Stop just as you are about to lock your elbows. Hold for a moment and then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

9. Back Knee Lift

Muscles worked: low back, thighs, buttocks

Motion: kneel on all fours with your arms straight down and your palms flat on the floor, directly below your shoulders. Keep your knees hip-width apart. Slowly lift your right leg, knee still bent, so that your thigh is raised a little bit higher than your trunk, and is parallel to the floor. The bottom of your foot should be facing the ceiling. Hold for a moment, and then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 to 20 times with each leg.

10. Crunch

Muscles worked: back, stomach

Motion: lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place hands across your chest or curl into fists and place next to your ears. Don’t grasp fingers behind your head, this may cause you to pull up on your head and strain your neck and back. Do a pelvic tilt and hold, which means tilt your pelvis up in a half circular motion toward your stomach, tighten your stomach, and flatten your lower back against the floor. Slowly lift your head and roll your torso up just until your shoulders are off the floor. Hold for a count of 5, and then slowly roll back down to the starting position. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

Advanced level: Start with knees bent and legs up, so that your lower legs are parallel to the floor. Curl knees in toward your chest as you roll your head and shoulders off the floor. Repeat 10 to 20 times.

by Karen Schroeder, MS, RD


Exercises to minimize problems with back pain from the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons


Last reviewed November 2000 by HealthGate Editorial Staff

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