
Lewis Cunningham, DO

Dr. Lewis Cunningham is a board certified urologist. He joined Mid Dakota Clinic in Bismarck in August of 1994. He is a native of Missouri and received his undergraduate degree from Southwest Missouri State. He received his Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine from the University of Health Science College in Kansas City. Dr. Cunningham has completed residencies in surgery at the Detroit Osteopathic Hospital, the Michigan Osteopathic Medical Center and Metropolitan Central Hospital all in Michigan. He complete his urology residency at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine with rotations at the Albert Einstein Medical Center, Sloan Ketterling Cancer Center and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Dr. Cunningham is also a national speaker in the field of urology.

Location of Practice

Mid Dakota Clinic – 9th & Rosser

401 North 9th Street

Bismarck, ND  58501

Phone: (701) 530-6000

Toll Free:1-800-472-2113

Appointments:(701) 530-5550


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