Therapy at the Human Performance Center

Medical Services : Therapy at HPC

Therapy at the Human Performance Center

Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Cardiac Rehabilitation and Athletic Training are primary therapy services of the HPC. The HPC offers many forms of specialized therapy some are listed below.

A referral from your physician is needed to receive therapy at the Human Performance Center. The laws in the state of North Dakota provide you with the freedom of choice as to who your therapy provider will be. Even if your physician has therapists in their clinic, ND law states that if you so desire, you can choose to go somewhere else. Use your freedom of choice. A limited number of insurance companies allow you to self refer to physical therapy in the state of ND. Check with your insurance company to see if self referral is a possibility.

Therapists at the HPC are all licensed and experienced in each of their respective fields. Our professional staff includes licensed physical therapists, licensed physical therapy assistants, licensed occupational therapists, licensed athletic trainers and exercise physiologists. All staff is trained in the screening, evaluation and treatment of a variety of disorders. The HPC staff takes pride in assisting individuals in their full return to normal function.

The following is a list of services provided by the HPC. If the type of therapy that you need is not specifically listed call us at 701-530-8100 to see if we provide the type of therapy you need. If you have a question but do not wish to call, use Ask the Expert. Your question will be answered by email.

Accupower and 3PQ
Force measurements are generally used to determine if someone can return to work or recreational activities. Most force measurements are performed in a position that does not mimic the working or athletic posture. Force plate technology provides the ability to test in a working and athletic posture, thus creating the most accurate method of testing the lower extremity and core musculature. Both the 3PQ and the Accupower utilize force plate technology as its measuring device. If you desire the most functional test to determine if you are ready to return to work or play, request the 3PQ or Accupower test. For more information.

Amputee Therapy
Learning how to use your new artificial extremity can be difficult both physically and emotionally. Your therapist must understand how your artificial limb functions and how your body will adapt to the artificial limb. The emphasis of this therapy is to assure the proper fit and function of your new limb while you participate in daily activities. For more information.

Aquatic Therapy
Water therapy greatly reduces the stress on joints and muscles and can be very beneficial in all types of therapy. The flume pool at the HPC provides a current of water as a means of progressive resistance. For more information.

There are more than 100 different types of arthritis. This painful condition creates stiffness and swelling in the joints and can affect people at any age. The HPC has a wide assortment of tools and techniques that are used to provide comfort and return of function for the arthritic patient. For more information.

Balance and Dizziness Center
Balance and dizziness disorders are the leading cause of falls among people 65 and older in the United States. These falls cause more than 200,000 fractured hips a year. But this disabling condition is not limited to the older population. The care for
balance-related symptoms is highly specialized. The HPC has the most sophisticated equipment in the region for the treatment of balance and dizziness disorders. For more information.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
If certain movements of your head cause vertigo (the sensation of spinning) you may be experiencing a symptom of an inner ear problem. The HPC staff includes experts in the care of this condition. For more information.

Biomechanical Assessments (Video Analysis)
The human body is self optimizing when it comes to movement. When normal movement can no longer occur, the body will begin to create abnormal movement patterns referred to as “compensated” patterns. Video analysis can help detect abnormal movement and help the therapist create a treatment plan that will reestablish normal movement patterns. For more information.

Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase II and III are provided at The HPC. Phase II is considered to be a medical service and is covered by insurance depending upon the specifications of your policy. Phase III is an extension of Phase II but is not considered medically necessary. Phase III is an elective service for the cardiac patient. For more information.

Craniosacral Therapy
The Craniosacral system protects and nourishes the brain and spinal cord and affects nearly every aspect of the central nervous systems performance. Malfunctions of this system have been linked to body pain, especially headaches, neck pain and lower back pain. If you’ve received more conventional therapies in the past (physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, etc), without long-term relief, Craniosacral Therapy may be of benefit to you. For more information.

Free Injury Screenings
If you have been hurt at work or play and you’re not sure if you should be seen by a physician, set up a free injury screening.
For more information.

Hand Therapy
The specialized care of hand and upper extremity injuries is available at the HPC. Our occupational therapists are able to help with therapy and /or splinting so that recovery from injury is as quick as possible. For more information.

Slowed or blocked movement of fluid through the lymphatic system is the cause of lymphedema. It may occur following surgery, radiation therapy, infection, or trauma. Lymphedema can affect the arm, leg, neck, face, or genitalia. Symptoms include swelling, heaviness, firmness, achiness, or pain. Specialized therapy for reducing and managing lymphedema is available at the HPC.
For more information.

Manual Therapy
Most therapies are a combination of modalities and hands-on techniques. The skilled art of hands-on therapy (manual therapy) is beneficial for increasing range of motion, blood supply and early muscle function. For more information.

Men’s Health
The HPC provides physical therapy evaluation and treatment for specific health needs of men. Treatment is available for pelvic floor dysfunction including pelvic pain, bladder or bowel leakage, prostate conditions, voiding dysfunction, and constipation, along with many other conditions. Men’s health physical therapists are available to assist you with your concerns. For more information.

Neurologic Conditions
Disease and injury to the neurological system can be life altering. It is important for the therapist to have an understanding of how to influence the neurological system following an injury in order to obtain the best outcome. The HPC staff includes experts in the care of this condition. For more information.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is a unique field of practice with special emphasis on the restoration of activities of daily living. Through the development of muscle function and the use of assistive devices, daily living activities become easier to perform. Occupational therapy also can provide a great deal of assistance in making the work site a safer place to be. For more information.

Orthopaedic/Spine Care
The care and function of bones, muscles and joints require a unique understanding of motion and what demands that motion places on the body. Various therapies are available at The HPC for the care of muscles and joints. Injuries to these structures can be caused by work or recreation. The HPC staff includes experts in the care of joints and the muscles that surround them. For more information.

Pain Management
There are many factors that contribute to the onset and continuing occurrence of pain. The HPC is proud to be an integral part of the comprehensive approach to pain management found at St. Alexius Medical Center. Working alongside St. Aleixus physicians the HPC is able to offer unique, gentle and progressive therapies for the treatment of pain. For more information.

Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy services are available at the HPC. Most of the services describe on this internet page are components within the field of Physical Therapy. The HPC Physical Therapy staff is made up of seasoned therapists with exceptional training in a variety of specialty fields. The ongoing satisfaction rate of the staff is exceptional. Let us help you with your Physical Therapy needs.

Post Surgical/Post Trauma Rehabilitation
The HPC staff has spent countless hours working with surgeons and physicians in the development of therapy protocols that are to be implemented following surgical care. The post surgical protocol guides your care through the critical healing times which follow surgical procedures. Working with your physician the HPC staff is able to modify any protocol to meet the specific restrictions or requirements that your physician or your condition requires. For more information.

Postural Restoration
We often attempt to influence the natural function of the human body with well intended exercises or treatment methodologies that simply do not match up well with normal function. Much like adding high octane fuel to an engine not designed to use that type of fuel not only are the benefits of the high octane fuel lost, damage may occur to the engine. Postural Restoration is a very unique approach that recognizes the relationships of all systems within the human body and understands the needs to maintain those relationships during the therapy process. For more information.

Primal Reflex Release Technique (PRRT)
Primal Reflex Release Technique is one of many techniques utilized in the care of chronic pain. For more information.

Sports Physical Therapy and Athletic Training
The HPC has a rich 30 year tradition of providing state of the art care for the injured athlete. Understanding the relationship between healing and returning the athlete to the field of play is critical for the successful treatment of an injured athlete. The HPC Athletic Training and Sports Physical Therapy staff fully understands this relationship. Let us help you return safely to the field of play.
For more information.

Vertigo/Vestibular Rehabilitation
The HPC is well equipped to care for the patient who suffers from vertigo or vestibular issues. Forty percent of the population over the age of 40 will experience symptoms dealing with dizziness. Many of these symptoms can be successfully treated with therapy.
For more information.

Women’s Health
The HPC provides physical therapy evaluation and treatment for specific health needs of women. Treatment is available for pelvic floor dysfunction including pelvic pain, bladder or bowel leakage, voiding dysfunction, constipation, pregnancy and post-partum conditions, along with many others. The HPC is fortunate to have well trained therapists who are available to assist you in your treatment.
For more information.

The Human Performance Center is an approved provider for:

Blue Cross/Blue Shield
North Dakota Workforce Safety and Insurance
Auto insurance companies

  • Many other commercial insurance companies

*Blue Cross/Blue Shield and some commercial insurances no longer require physician referral for physical therapy services.
*Can provide services for cash payment.

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