GPRS Seating and Mobility


Medical Services : Great Plains Rehabilitation Services : GPRS Seating and Mobility


GPRS Seating and Mobility


Seating and Mobility
Our Certified Rehabilitation Technology Specialists (CRTS®)
can accommodate your unique needs starting with standard wheelchairs on up to complex
power wheelchair technology.


Download Brochure: Seating and Mobility

As the leaders in this specialty, our Seating and Mobility experts can:

  • Improve back comfort with custom contoured padding.
  • Ease mobility with special light-weight chairs and accessories.
  • Design and adapt custom electronic wheelchair controls.
  • Design and modify adaptive equipment to maximize functional abilities.
  • Custom molded seating cushions.
  • State of the art pressure mapping capabilities.
  • Improve seat comfort with special pressure-relieving cushions.

Click Here Patient Testimonial on Power Mobility!

Seating and Mobility Clinic

SEATING AND MOBILITY CLINICDownload Brochure: Seating and Mobility Clinic

With the combined efforts of Great Plains seating and mobility staff and Dr. Shelley Killen, MD, of St. Alexius Medical Center, a Seating and Mobility Clinic is held the first and third Wednesday. of the month.

Individuals who attend the clinic are evaluated through a functional assessment and are asked a series of questions related to their specific situation (family members and caregivers are encouraged to attend). Information gathered from the assessment is used to make recommendations for specific equipment applications.

To schedule an appointment call (701) 530-4000 or 800-222-4989 or email: [email protected].

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