Respiratory Therapy – St. Alexius Services : Pulmonary Rehabilitation – Respiratory Therapy

Pulmonary Rehabilitation – Respiratory Therapy

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

What is Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at St. Alexius Medical Center features a medically supervised schedule of exercise and personal counseling. This combination of physical fitness and health education helps people with chronic lung disease maximize their lifestyle while, at the same time, minimize the disabling effects of the illness.

St. Alexius Medical Center Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). A certification by the AACVPR assures quality patient care and essential standards of care for Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Who Benefits from Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
St. Alexius Medical Center Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is helpful for people with chronic lung conditions such as: Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Bronchiectasis, Cystic Fibrosis, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Thoracic Cage Abnormalities, Neuromuscular Disorders, Lung Transplant and Lung Reduction Candidates.

What are the Goals of Pulmonary Rehabilitation?
The purpose of pulmonary rehabilitation is to help people lead a full, satisfying life and restore them to their highest functional capacity.

A Team Approach?
A multidisciplinary team, consisting of specialists knowledgeable in pulmonary rehabilitation, will coordinate the program activities.

The team consists of a pulmonary physician, respiratory therapists, and physical therapists educated in exercise and wellness. In order to develop a comprehensive, individualized program of wellness for each person, the team works in cooperation with other physicians and St. Alexius health professionals (i.e. chaplains, social services, nutritionists) on a consultative basis.

Entry into the program is by physician referral. The St. Alexius Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is designed to allow the referring physicians to follow the progress of their patients throughout the program.

Evaluation and Treatment Process?
Upon referral to the program, each participant goes through an evaluation to determine and document their initial level of physical condition. Next, the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Team develops an individualized exercise program based on goal’s outlined in the evaluation phase.

Upon completion of the conditioning program, the participant undergoes a re-evaluation as a means of documenting progress. From this evaluation, a maintenance program is developed to assure continuance of their progress. The exercise component is complimented by patient education. Personal counseling covers topics such as nutrition, medications, relaxation techniques and methods of treatment.

The St. Alexius Medical Center Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program is located on the second floor of the Medical Arts Plaza building. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program at 701-530-8530.

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