Division of Nursing – Nursing Unit Highlights : Division of Nursing – Nursing Units – Medical Oncology

Division of Nursing – Nursing Units – Medical Oncology

Highlight on Medical/Oncology

The Medical/Oncology unit is a 31 bed inpatient unit. Medical includes the Stroke Center and consists of 17 beds. The Stroke Center has been created to improve the overall quality of care for people afflicted by stroke. Oncology consists of 14 beds designated for oncology patients, hospice patients and medical overflow patients. Oncology is accredited by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer.

The Medical/Oncology Unit cares for a large variety of patients, such as those with pneumonia, cystic fibrosis, cerebral vascular accidents, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and gastrointestinal diseases. In addition to providing care to the Medical/Oncology patients, the unit also provides the capability of Telemetry remote cardiac monitoring.

Nursing Units

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