Accupower and 3PQ – Human Performance Center
Force plate technology provides both the therapist and the fitness enthusiast with functional force production measurements. That force production can be displayed in multiple ways, one of those being demonstrated on the corresponding graph. This graph presents the Rate of Force development. The green bars indicate the amount of positive and negative force generated on the pre-test. The blue bars are the measurements gathered on the post-test. The increased height and depth of the blue bar indicates the increases in positive and negative power. Increased power in a shorter time is the desire and goal of every athlete. Force production is a product of neurological control in the muscle and joint function. A rehabilitation program is designed to create equality of force production from the injured side to the non-injured side. There is very little carryover of slow training techniques to sport specific techniques. Being strong does not mean that you have funtional power in your sport skill. Current equipment on the market fails to meet the functional criteria desired by the leading specialists in sports medicine. The 3PQ and AccuPower force plates provide functional measurements in force, power, work, stability and muscular fatigue. In addition, your results can be compared to the thousands of athletes tested by the Athletic Republic. Your results can be compared to others who share the same demographics as you such as sport, weight, height, age, gender and training methods. What better way of knowing if you are safe and prepared to return to a sport. For more information, please contact the St. Alexius Human Performance Center at 701-530-8100 or 1-800-222-7858. |