Fitness – Human Performance Center : Bridge Program – Fitness HPC

An additional therapy service to enhance traditional therapy.

Today many insurance companies do not cover the extended therapy and necessary conditioning to return an injured individual to functional and recreational independence. The Bridge Program was created in order to “bridge the gap” between therapy and a complete functional return to activity. This program will benefit individuals of all ages and abilities.

This program is a unique combination of functional therapy and The Acceleration Program at the HPC. It consists of three progressive levels with eight sessions in each level. Each session is personalized to our client’s abilities and is administered under the direction of the Acceleration staff.

Forward and Backward incline running
Forward incline running will improve cardiovascular fitness and flexibility. Proper running mechanics will be reviewed and relearned. By utilizing the Acceleration Treadmill a 30% reduction of the “pounding” forces of over ground running will occur reducing stress to the vulnerable joints. Backward incline running provides a unique method of training specific motor control patterns and improves functional strength at sport specific velocities.

Plyometrics help to increase efficiency of the neuromuscular system and improve body awareness.

Agility and Multidirectional Training
These exercises help improve body awareness and decrease improper movement patterns while relearning appropriate motor patterns.

Strength Training
The overall effect of the Bridge Program will influence the strength of the core, hip girdle and leg muscles.

Program Overview
The program consists of 25 sessions with each session lasting approximately one to 1 ½ hours. The majority of the first hour is completed with a trainer and the last 30 minutes will be used for independent strength training.

It will take approximately 2 ½ to 3 months to complete the program. It is recommended that only two to three sessions be performed each week.

Full Program – $ 693
Note: Payment is required prior to beginning the program. Credit cards are accepted.

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