Therapy Services The Human Performance Center offers a variety of therapy services including physical, occupational and hand therapy. There is a wide range of outpatient services that the professional and certified staff at HPC are happy to provide to patients whether they are physician referred or self-pay patients. For more information…
The Acceleration Program The Acceleration Sports Training is designed to help athletes edge out the competition, with personalized, professional sports training programs, scientifically developed to improve overall athletic performance and enhance self esteem. For more information…
Fitness Services The Human Performance Center is a unique fitness clinic, providing complete fitness services for every person who has a desire to become healthier, no matter what age or level of fitness. For more information…
Contact us: Orthopaedic Center of Excellence 310 N. 9th St. – 2nd Floor of Building Bismarck, ND 58504
Acceleration/Fitness (701) 530-8102 Physical and Occupational Therapy (701) 530-8100 Toll Free 1-800-222-7858
