Balance and Dizziness – Neuroscience Center
Balance disorders are common. Balance is a complicated body function requiring information from the inner ear, the eyes, and senses from the joints and muscles. The most common causes for dizziness and balance problems are age-related changes, inner ear disorders, head trauma, stroke, infections, medication and diabetes. The Balance and Dizziness Center offers specific evaluation and treatment for individuals with symptoms of dizziness or imbalance. |
St. Alexius is proud to offer Computerized Dynamic Posturography, a test that evaluates the ability to maintain balance in a variety of conditions. The healthcare professionals at the Balance and Dizziness Center have advanced training in treating vestibular (inner ear) and neurological disorders. Based on the results of a comprehensive evaluation, your therapist will customize a treatment plan. Balance and Dizziness Center Medical Director Balance and Dizziness Center Neurologists For more information, please call the Human Performance Center at (701) 530-8106 or the Neuroscience Coordinator at (701) 530-6640. |