Geriatics (Older Adults) Center of Excellence
Geriatrics (Older Adults) Center of Excellence – Alzheimer’s Support Group
An Alzheimer’s Support Group is a safe place to learn, offer and receive helpful tips, and to meet others coping with Alzheimer’s disease. It is a great way for caregivers to realize that they are not alone and feel better prepared to cope with their unique situation. Support Group members usually consist of the spouse, adult child, any other family members or friends of someone with Alzheimer’s disease. All caregivers deal with family members in different stages of Alzheimer’s and have great advice that will help other caregivers work through issues and find creative solutions. The Alzheimer’s Support Group is a confidential place to share ideas, frustrations, anger and joy. There is no cost to attend the Support Group.
Do you live outside of Bismarck/Mandan? Telemedicine is a service that links specialists in the St. Alexius Medical Center community with patients in rural communities using two-way ‘live’ television. St. Alexius offers the Alzheimer’s Support Group via Telemedicine the 3rd Tuesday of every month. This service allows you to participate in the Support Group from your LOCAL hospital. There is no charge for this service. Please contact Lisa Vetter at St. Alexius Medical Center (701-530-7057 or 1-800-393-7130) if you would like to participate in the Alzheimer’s Support Group via Telemedicine. |