Take your game to the next level!
If you are looking for a program
which will improve:
- Your understanding of the full golf
- Your swing mechanics.
- Your consistency of ball contact,
driving length, or both.
- Your functional Golf strength and
- Your overall confidence.
You have found it!
What makes this program so successful?
- This program is under constant revision
in order to incorporate the ongoing advice of PGA professionals,
past participants, Frappier Acceleration Sports Training, HPC
professionals and the latest research.
- This program incorporates the
“Power Cord” technologies of the Frappier Acceleration
Sports Training Program. This is the only training device
available that can overload the neuromuscular system at real
time velocities and joint angles.
- This program incorporates the signature
services of the HPC and the swing analysis expertise of a PGA
golf professional.
- This is the only program that allows you
to either participate in the entire program or select specific
areas to work on.
How does the program work?
The program is seasonal from January to
June only and has three distinct phases:
- Phase 1 – The
Strength and Conditioning Phase – This phase runs from January through
February. This phase includes a membership at the HPC in which
exercises will be incorporated to increase your strength &
flexibility, and cardiovascular conditioning. Additional home
exercises will be provided to increase your core strength.
- Phase
– The Functional Conditioning Phase – This phase occursduring the months of March and April. This phase begins with a video
analysis of your golf swing by a PGA golf professional. In addition to
the ongoing fitness exercises from Phase 1, the golfer begins
functional strength training by utilizing the Frappier Sport Cords
while actually hitting the ball. Additional practice times will be
provided at the Fore Seasons golf dome.
- Phase 3 –
Maintenance Phase – This phase occurs during the months of May and
June. “Core” exercises will continue to be provided to the
participant. However, fitness services within the HPC will not occur
during this time frame. Maintenance exercises with the Frappier Sport
Cords will occur every two weeks in order to maintain the
proprioceptive feel obtained in the Functional Conditioning
HPC is extremely pleased to have Mr. Chuck Ruppert as our key PGA
advisor for this program. Chuck holds a PGA A-1 Classification. He
has had over 25 years of experience as a golf professional and is
currently the Head Professional at Hawk Tree Golf Club. Individual
lessons are available with Mr. Ruppert by appointment only.
If you are
already a member of another fitness facility you will not require Phase
1 or the conditioning component in Phase 2. Phase 2 can be purchased as
a stand alone phase with or without fitness. Please check with the HPC
staff for prices.