
Suggested Holiday Gifts for Elderly Persons, Homebound or Disabled Persons, and Residents of Facilities

Posted on 10/13/2004

by Rodger W. Wetzel, MPA/MHA, LSW, Director

Community Health, Development and Eldercare

The best gift is a gift of your TIME . . . not only at Christmas, but at other times throughout the year. Consider making a commitment to visit this person at least once a month!

Elderly at home and other homebound persons

  • Gift certificates to grocery, clothing or drug stores. (Also offer to take them shopping!)
  • Offer to help them decorate their home for the holidays. (Offer to bring a few items!)
  • Offer to help purchase and wrap any gifts. (Offer to bring wrapping paper and ribbons!)
  • Offer to help them write their cards and letters. (Offer to bring stationery and stamps!)
  • A box of assorted stamped cards for various occasions.
  • Tickets to ride the Bis-Man Transit or local bus for seniors/handicapped persons.
  • Tickets for home-delivered meals or Meals-on-Wheels. (Call your local senior center.)
  • Gift certificate for their favorite barber shop or beauty salon. (Offer to take them!)
  • Gift certificate to the movie theater. (Offer to take them to a favorite movie!)
  • Magazine/newspaper subscriptions. (Ask their preferences, e.g. hometown newspaper?)
  • Hand/foot lotions. (Ask if you can apply some lotion on them, if both are willing!)
  • Music box; tape/CD player and tapes. (Offer to listen with them for a while!)
  • Zip-front jogging suits. (Easier for them to take off.)
  • Perfumes/aftershave lotion. (Ask them if they have a favorite scent.)
  • Slippers and socks; sweaters. (Front zip are suggested.)
  • Green plants. (Unless they already have too many!)
  • Homemade foods. (Stay and share some with them!) (Suggestion: bring one each month!)
  • A certificate book offering to do one chore of their choice each month (inside/outside).
  • Large print books; craft kits. (Offer to do a craft with them!)
  • Offer to drive them to look at Christmas lights. (Stop for treats afterwards!)
  • Electric coffee pot which turns itself off after a time. (In case they forget that it’s on.)
  • A bird feeder and a sack of bird food. (Attach near a window and resupply each month!)
  • Offer to deliver a favorite movie each month. (Offer to stay and watch with them!)
  • Foot spas; bathtub jets; vibrating/heating back pads.

Nursing Home/Assisted Living/Basic Care Residents (First ask facility staff what that resident needs or what they suggest for their residents.)

  • A box of stamped assorted cards.
  • Manicure sets; combs; brushes.
  • Lap robes. (Must be washable.)
  • Magazine/newspaper subscriptions. (Ask about their hometown newspaper.)
  • Hand/foot lotions (ask staff about suggested types); other personal care items.
  • Music box; tape/CD player (with headphones – so it won’t disturb others) and tapes.
  • Zip-front jogging suits. (Easier for staff to take off.)
  • Perfumes/aftershave lotion. (Ask staff about suggested scents.)
  • Slippers; velcro-closure shoes; socks; sweater (front zip); belt; suspenders for men.
  • Bathrobe; underwear; pajamas/nightgowns. (Ask staff about other clothing needs.)
  • Pretty silk flowers. (They won’t have to remember to water them!)
  • Clock or calendar with large numbers. (Write the date of your future visits!)
  • Homemade treats. (First ask staff about special diets, choking risk, etc.)
  • Craft kits; puzzles; games. (They should be easy to see and use – no sharp edges.)
  • Seeds (herbs, beans, etc.) and some pots with dirt. (Help them plant/watch/smell them.)

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