St. Alexius Infusion Therapy Program

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St. Alexius Infusion Therapy Program

St. Alexius is pleased to offer a new service specializing in the administration of intravenous (IV) medication in the home setting.

The St. Alexius Infusion Therapy Program is a concerted effort between Great Plains Rehabilitation Services and St. Alexius pharmacy. The program was awarded a three-year accreditation by the Joint Commission of Accredited Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the same organization that surveys hospitals. JCAHO evaluates and accredits home infusion services in hospitals and private practices across the United States.

This unique service reduces or eliminates costly hospital stays by allowing the patient to leave the hospital and still receive needed treatment. Before the development of home infusion services, many patients had to remain in the hospital to finish a course of intravenous therapy, but weren’t necessarily sick enough to need hospitalization. Now these same patients are able to resume their normal lives, and can prevent many of the complications associated with longer hospital stays, such as secondary infections. Drug therapies commonly administered include antibiotics, steroid therapies, pain management, hydration, parenteral nutrition, and immunoglobulin.

The St. Alexius Infusion Therapy staff takes great pride in our commitment to patient education and improved patient outcomes. The staff includes two Doctor’s of Pharmacy and a registered nurse who offer a 24-hour, seven-day a week emergency call service to manage any unexpected complications or to provide additional education, medications, or supplies.

St. Alexius Infusion Therapy dedication extends beyond the Bismarck-Mandan area, to the rural areas of North Dakota, South Dakota, and eastern Montana. We work closely with referring physicians to improve disease state management and coordinate services for the patient.

We invite you or your physician to contact us to learn more about our service. Please call 530-4100 or our Customer Service Department at 1-800-222-4989.

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