Senior Health and Fitness

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Senior Health and Fitness

Exercise for Seniors

Many of the problems that people associate with “aging” are actually not due to aging at all. Instead, they are due to a lack of activity. In particular, deaths from heart disease could probably be reduced if all people participated in mild, regular exercise. Many people feel that it is dangerous to exercise after a certain age. Actually, it is usually much more dangerous not to.

Older adults who exercise in moderation tend to:

  • look younger
  • feel better
  • have more energy
  • sleep better
  • have fewer medical visits and
  • stay more active in all areas of their lives

One of the most important aspects of exercise is to pick an activity that you like. Physical activity such as walking, dancing, or gardening for 30 minutes a day can have big benefits. If you have not been exercising at all for years, start slowly. Begin with even a minute or two of exercise and build up by a minute each time. Always ask your healthcare provider about any exercise plans you may have, especially if you have a medical condition.

To exercise your heart, think about an aerobic activity. Aerobic exercises work the heart and lungs, as well as the muscles, and can improve overall health. Walking, swimming, biking, and dancing are all aerobic activities. To stay strong, think about weight training. Systems that involve resistance, such as Nautilus, pose less risk of injury for older adults than free weights. To stay flexible, think about stretching activities like yoga or tai chi.

Make sure you get the right equipment for the right sport. Good, supportive shoes are especially important in order to reduce stress or injury to the feet, knees, hips, and low back.

Regular exercise can vastly improve the quality of life for older adults!

*Taken from AmericasDoctor

The staff at the St. Alexius Medical Center Human Performance Center is ready to talk to you about your exercise needs. Feel free to call 530-8100 for more information!

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