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Free Children’s Asthma Clinic Set for February 9

Do you suspect that your child has respiratory problems, maybe even asthma? The Regional Children’s Asthma Clinic will be held on Thursday, February 9, 2006 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Mid Dakota Clinic location in Kirkwood Mall. This free clinic is offered to children ages birth to 21 years that have suspected or previously diagnosed asthma. Appointments must be made by calling (701)530-8520.

Learn how the lungs function and what happens during an asthma episode, how to recognize asthma signs and symptoms, how asthma “triggers” can be kept under control at home and school, and much more. This service is a supplement to health care and does not replace the care of a family physician. A comprehensive report is sent to the primary care physician and to the patient.

This program is financially supported by a grant from the North Dakota Children’s Special Health Services/Department of Human services and held the second Thursday of every month. All costs for screening, evaluation and education are covered at no expense to the patient. The Regional Children’s Asthma Clinic serves the public from Burleigh, Emmons, Kidder, Mercer, Sheridan, Morton, Grant, McLean, Oliver and Sioux counties. It was implemented by the St. Alexius Foundation, and supported by St. Alexius Medical Center, Mid Dakota Clinic, Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health & Custer Health Department, Great Plains Pharmacy, the American Lung Association, the UND School of Medicine and Health Sciences and Comprehensive Pediatric Care.

For more information, contact Rajean Backman, St. Alexius Respiratory Therapy Department at 530-8538.

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