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Volunteers Make the World (and Medical Center) Go Round!

It’s a busy world, which seems to only get busier. Many of us have a hard time fitting “volunteer” activities into our schedules, but for some it is just a way of life.

For example, at St. Alexius Medical Center, a facility that employs close to 2,000 people, the work done by volunteers is a vital piece of its daily operations. In 2004, volunteers logged 21,198 service hours and 18 different departments within the medical center reaped the benefits of their services. Some of these services include assisting with the Well Baby Clinic, escorting patients to their unit, flower delivery, de-linting surgical towels, visiting with patients, providing music for the public, assisting with special events and creating prayer blankets/shawls, among many other services.

Across the country young and old come together to give of their time. Nationally, people typically volunteer 3.6 hours per week…but at St. Alexius they go above and beyond. Volunteers at the medical center average 4.4 hours per week. Volunteers at St. Alexius range in age from 13 to 92! Some of them have been volunteering at the medical center for more than 20 years.

National Volunteer week is April 17-23. Join us in saluting the valuable work done each day by volunteers.

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