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CRS to Conduct Prostate and Dyspepsia Study

4 out of 5 Men Develop Prostate Problems. If you are one of them, call Clinical Research Services at (701) 530-6950 or Toll Free at 1-877-701-6677. CRS is conducting a clinical research study for men who have an enlarged prostate (or BPH – benign prostatic hyperplasia).

This study is evaluating the safety and effectiveness of the investigational use of two marketed medications for the improvement of symptoms of BPH. The study will investigate whether combination therapy is more effective than either medication used alone. You may be able to participate if you are:

  • At least 50 years old
  • Diagnosed with an enlarged prostate (BPH)
  • Not taking any medications to treat your BPH symptoms, such as Proscar®, Propecia®, or Avodart(tm)
  • Not diagnosed with prostate cancer

All study-related medical exams, laboratory tests, and study medication are provided to qualified men at no cost.

Is Stomach Discomfort Concerning You? These are the symptoms of a digestive condition called DYSPEPSIA. These symptoms may occur during or after eating:

  • Early sense of fullness with eating
  • Mid to upper abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Bloating
  • Possible nausea or vomiting

Our physicians invite you to take part in a clinical research study for dyspepsia. CRS is studying the investigational use of an already approved medication. You are encouraged to inquire if you:

  • Are female
  • Have experienced the symptoms listed above during any 12 weeks of the past year
  • Have not been diagnosed with diabetes that requires treatment with insulin

If you qualify and participate, you will be provided with all study examinations and medication. To learn more, and to volunteer for this study, please call Clinical Research Services at (701) 530-6950 or Toll Free at 1-877-701-6677.

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