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CT Scanner Gives Patients Optimum Care – Story as seen on the Under the Arch Segment on KXMB CBS12

Pictures are a great way to capture a memory…and they’re also the best way to diagnose problems inside the body. The new CT scanner at St. Alexius Medical Center allows doctors to see every bone, every vein and organ in the body at every angle.

The 16-Slice CT Scanner takes x-rays from a rotating device that captures segments of the body. The images appear as if they were stacked layer-by-layer and a picture was taken of each segment. The scanner puts the images together and portrays them as a 3-D picture.

“It’s cutting-edge in terms of speed, patient comfort and resolution. Exams are quicker which makes it easier on both the patient and physician.” says David Stradinger, Lead Technologist. The multi-slice scanner also has software to allow scoring of plaque in the arteries, which can help predict risk of future heart problems.

Thanks to this most advanced CT technology, along with a highly skilled staff, patients receive optimum care at St. Alexius.

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