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Overwhelmed by Stress, Sadness or Unexplained Aches and Pains? National Depression Screening Day can Help

Have you been feeling consistently moody or sad? Can’t relax or concentrate? Been alternating between highs and low? Have you been troubled by unexplained aches and pains? Are you unable to eat or sleep? If so, you may be suffering from a mental health disorder.

On October 9th, 2003 St. Alexius will offer free, anonymous mental health screenings for a range of common emotional situations that often go undiagnosed and misunderstood. So if you haven’t been feeling like yourself lately, this one event can help you figure out what is wrong.

Screenings for depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder will be held at St. Alexius Medical Center (take 10th Street entrance) from 10 a.m to 6 p.m. In addition, for the first time this year, information will be provided on how to manage stress and recognize the physical symptoms that often go hand-in-hand with mental health disorders.

“Over the past ten years we have made great strides in reducing the stigma attached to mental illness,”says Dr. Terri Hanson, psychologist with Archway Mental Health Services. “Programs like National Depression Screening Day educate people about depressive and anxiety disorders and allow people to seek help in a non-threatening way.”

As part of the program, attendees will hear an educational presentation, complete a written self-assessment and have the opportunity to talk privately with a mental health professional. The program is free for all those who attend and is completely confidential. National Depression Screening Day, held in October as part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, is a program of the nonprofit organization Screening for Mental Health, Inc. Screenings will be held across the country at approximately 5,000 screening sites.

For more information about the screenings, call (701) 530-7373 or (701) 530-7375.

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