Human Performance Center’s Frappier Acceleration Program Introduces 3PQ
The Human Performance Center has recently added a new device called the 3PQ to its Frappier Acceleration Training Program. The 3PQ acronym stands for “Plyo Press Power Quotient” – three P’s followed by a Q. The Plyo Press is an effective sports-specific training device that provides a completely standardized testing environment, which is something few performance measures can do.
3PQ testing and training provides many advantages including a sport-specific measurement of power in a safe environment, extremely good day-to-day reliability of the testing, secure transmission of the data over the Internet directly from the 3PQ to the Frappier Acceleration’s Athlete Information Management System (AIMS), and gives a true three-dimensional measurement of the force vector applied by the athlete during the test. All these features make 3PQ extremely helpful to HPC staff, as well as coaches and athletes as they design better training programs and make good decisions such as when it is safe for the athlete to return to play following an injury.