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St. Alexius All Nursing Conference Set for March 12 & 13

St. Alexius Medical Center is sponsoring the 13Th Annual All Nursing Conference on March 12 and 13 at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel in Bismarck. The conference is the largest in the state and attracts nurses from North Dakota and surrounding states. Featured speakers are Debra Townsend, William Dwyer and Dr. Judith Briles.

Debra Townsend is CEO/president of Concepts of Care, Inc. and chief spirit and synergy officer with Lee Memorial Health System of Ft, Myers, Fla. As a speaker, author and clinician, she brings messages of inspiration, healing and self-empowerment.

William M. Dwyer is divisional vice president, strategic marketing, Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Ill. Dwyer has been responsible for specialty sales, marketing research, strategic planning and the annual development of a national health care assessment program. He is frequently invited to present his assessment of industry trends and future scenarios regarding medical technology.

Dr. Judith Briles has 30 years of business and entrepreneurial experience. She is an award-winning author and an international motivational speaker who delivers her programs with content and humor. Recognized as an expert on workplace issues within the healthcare environment, she concentrates on common sense strategies and solutions that are adaptable in both personal and workplace environments.

The afternoon features concurrent sessions of clinical topics including personal safety tips, methicillin resistant staph aureus, deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, bedside neurological assessment, domestic violence, dementia, vitamins and lab values.

Contact hours will be available for RNs and LPNs.

For more information, call the Education Center at St. Alexius, 530-7700 or 1-800-843-9628. To view the brochure and register on line, return to the home page and click on “Class/Event Registration.”

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