
Sodium, a mineral that occurs naturally in foods, is essential to health. The primary source of sodium in the American diet is salt, also known as sodium chloride. For some people, too much sodium in the diet may contribute to high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Cutting back on salt may not prevent high blood pressure, but it may help lower blood pressure for people who are “salt sensitive.” High blood pressure usually occurs due to family history, aging, and being overweight. Eating less salt allows for medications prescribed for high blood pressure to work more effectively. Experts recommend that we limit our sodium intake to no more than 2400 mg per day.

Some simple things you can do to reduce your sodium consumption:

  • Use fresh foods and limit processed foods such as convenience foods, canned foods, fast foods, and most snack foods.
  • Drain and rinse vegetables canned with salt.
  • Limit salted and cured meats such as ham, bacon, and luncheon meats.
  • Use reduced-salt soups, broths, and bouillon.
  • Avoid salt containing seasoning such as garlic salt, onion salt, and celery salt. Use the powders instead.
  • Go light on salad dressings and condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and steak sauce.
  • Choose reduced fat natural brick cheese instead of processed cheese.
  • Avoid salting food at the table. Use small amounts in cooking instead.
  • Read food labels! Try to keep sodium intake to no more than 400 mg at breakfast, 800 mg at the noon and evening meals, and 200 mg per snack (2 snacks per day) for a total of 2400 mg.

Foods High in Salt and Sodium



Club Soda

Cocktail Beverage Mixes


Breads and Cereals

Salted Crackers

Salted Bread Sticks


Blue Cheese or Roquefort

Cheese Spreads

Processed Cheese

Convenience Foods

Canned Stews

Canned Chow Mein, Chop Suey

Canned Spaghetti, Ravioli

Commercial Sauces and Gravies

Frozen Dinners

Packaged Macaroni and Cheese

Packaged Seasonings (Taco, etc.)


Commercial Casserole Mixes

Meats, Fish

Salted, Canned or Processed Meat, Fish, Poultry


Cold Cuts

Corned Beef

Dried Beef


Hot Dogs


Salt Pork



Potatoes and Substitutes

Potato Chips

Prepared Potato Products and Mixes

Salted Snack Foods

Seasoned Rice Mixes


Bouillon Cubes or Granules

Commercial Canned Soup or Broth

Commercial Dried Soup



V-8 Juice

Tomato Juice


Lite Salt

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Popcorn Salt

Seasoning Salts


Barbecue Sauce


Chili Sauce

Kitchen Bouquet

Meat Tenderizers



Pickles and Relish

Pickled Foods

Salad Dressing Mixes

Steak Sauce

Soy Sauce

Teriyaki Sauce

Worcestershire Sauce

Digestive Aids and Laxatives containing sodium

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