Health Classes

Community Programs

Robert Gietzen, certified acupuncturist with the Center for Integrated Medicine at St. Alexius, is presenting “Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine,” a free educational session about acupuncture. Have your questions answered by an expert. Sessions are held at the Center for Integrated Medicine, Gateway Mall, Bismarck.

Dates: March 10; April 14
Time: 6:45 p.m.
Cost: Free

To pre-register, call 530-4190.

Is yoga for you? Attend one of these free “Introduction to Yoga” sessions to learn about yoga and try yoga poses.

Dates: March 3; April 7
Time: 7 p.m.
Cost: Free

Sessions are held at the St. Alexius Center for Integrated Medicine classroom at Gateway Mall. To pre- register, call 530-4190.

This class is a gentle introduction to the stretching, strengthening, breathing and relaxing exercises of hatha yoga. You will learn the basic yoga postures and proper alignment in a conscientious and safe environment, always honoring the body’s limitations and needs. We will also explore a variety of yogic breathing techniques useful for support in postures and everyday life. This series is for people who have limited or no experience with yoga as well as those with limiting medical conditions.

Benefits of Yoga

  • Releases and reduces stress
  • Improves muscle tone and flexibility
  • Increases energy levels
  • Quiets your mind
  • Provides body awareness and relaxation

Instructor is Shelly Towle, registered yoga teacher.


Mondays and Wednesdays, March 10-April 18
Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 11-April 19
Times: 7-8 p.m.

Cost: $84 for the six-week session

All classes meet at the St. Alexius Center for Integrated Medicine, Gateway Mall.

Pre-registration is required. Call 530-4190.

For dates of upcoming sessions and free monthly Introduction to Yoga classes, call the Center for Integrated Medicine, 530-4190.

Bone density screenings are recommended for early detection of bone mass loss, or osteoporosis.
The $20 fee includes a brief consultation with a nurse practitioner who will discuss your results with you. Insurance will not be billed.

The screenings will be at the Center for Integrated Medicine Classroom, Gateway Mall, Bismarck.

Dates: March 19; April 9
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Cost: $20

Appointments are required. Please call the Center for Integrated Medicine, 530-4190.

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