Gay Wallentine Memorial Scholarship – $1500
The Gay Wallentine Memorial Scholarship was established May 18, 1990 to provide financial assistance to eligible nursing students. It was setup by the family in memory of Gay Wallentine, former director of Critical Care Services at St. Alexius Medical Center. She died suddenly in February of 1990. Preference is given to nursing students pursuing a BSN or MSN who are residents of North Dakota and interested in working at St. Alexius Medical Center.
Sarah Ann Haugen Memorial Scholarship – $500
The Sarah Ann Haugen Memorial Scholarship was initiated in 2000 by a friend of Mark and Sharol Haugen. Their daughter died suddenly in 1996 at St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota. The goal of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to qualified paramedic students. Applicants must currently be enrolled in the BSC-St. Alexius Paramedic Program and carry at least a C average on all course work at the end of the summer semester.
Tony Niemann Sholarship – $250
The Tony Niemann Scholarship is given in memory of Tony Niemann, a former St. Alexius Cardiac Cath Lab RT. Tony graduated in 1966 from the St. Alexius School of Radiolygy. He was employed at St. Alexius for nearly 35 years and retired in 2004. He passed away shortly after his retirement. Applicants must currently be enrolled in the St. Alexius School of Radiologic Technology.
Brita Eriksen Memorial Scholarship – $1500
The Brita Eriksen Memorial Scholarship was established by Dr. Johan Eriksen in memory of his wife, Brita. The scholarship is for students attending health education programs conducted by or associated with St. Alexius Medical Center or a St. Alexius employee funding healthcare related continuing education while employed at St. Alexius. Such programs may include Radiology, Medical Technology, Anesthesiology and Respiratory Therapy.