School of Radiologic Technology – Allied Health Schools : Application – School of Radiologic Technology

Application – School of Radiologic Technology

School of Radiologic Technology

St. Alexius Medical Center and University of Mary
Radiologic Technology Program

Program l Application l Admission l Graduation l Contact

An application will be sent upon request to prospective students or you can download a copy from this site:

The following documents must be in the file of any applicant before it will be acted upon.

  1. Application to program
  2. High school and current college transcripts
  3. ACT score
  4. Three letters of recommendation/reference
  5. A ten dollar, non-refundable processing fee with application
  6. Release form

An interview will be considered if the documents are in before January 1st and if the student has a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 with a minimum GPA of 2.0 in the science courses. There are approximately twenty interviews granted each year. Personal interviews are scheduled by the admissions committee and take place generally in January. Candidates are selected on the basis of previous academic background, personal interview, and meeting the technical standards. Candidates selected for admission into the program will be notified by mail and will have up to seven days to respond with an acceptance of the position offered or a denial of this position. If the program does not hear from the selected candidate within this seven day time frame, the position will be offered to an alternate student.

Student recruitment and matriculation policies are non-discriminatory with respect to race, color, religion, gender, age, disabilities, or national origin.

Students in the process of achieving a baccalaureate degree from the University of Mary pay tuition directly to the university. These students should contact the University of Mary for current information on tuition and fees.

Full tuition refunds for the current semester are granted to students whose enrollment in the program has ended if their enrollment ends during the first week of any given semester. If a student’s enrollment ends after the first week of any semester, refunds are not given. Books, lab coats, uniforms, shoes, housing and health insurance are the responsibility of the student.

Upon notification of acceptance into the program, the selected applicant is responsible for a $100.00 non-refundable acceptance fee. All textbooks are available for purchase at the University of Mary Bookstore. Cost of textbooks is the student’s responsibility and generally falls within the range of $600 – $900 total.

Financial aid is available through the University of Mary’s Financial Aid Department.

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