PrimeCare Surigcal Weight Loss Program – Sleeve Gastrectomy
Sleeve Gastrectomy

This procedure generates weight loss soley through gastric restriction (reduced stomach volume). The stomach is restricted by dividing it vertically and removing more than 85% of it. This part of the procedure is not reversible. The stomach that remains is shaped like a banana and measures from 2-5 ounces (60-150cc) depending on the surgeon performing the procedure. The nerves to the stomach and the outlet valve (pylorus) remain intact with the idea of preserving the functions of the stomach while reducing the volume.
- The stomach is reduced in volume but tends to function normally. Most food items can be consumed in small amounts.
- Eliminates the portion of the stomach that produces the hormones that stimulates hunger (Ghrelin).
- No dumping syndrome because the pylorus is preserved.
- By avoiding the intestinal bypass, protein deficiency and vitamin deficiency are almost eliminated.
- Very effective for high BMI patients.
- Appealing option for people with existing anemia, Crohn’s disease and numerous other conditions that make them too high risk for intestinal bypass procedures.
- It can be converted to almost any other weight loss procedure.
- Soft calories such as ice cream, milk shakes, etc can be absorbed and may slow weight loss.
- Potential for leaks related to long staple line on the stomach.
- Because the stomach is removed, it is not reversible.
Potential Complications
- Deep vein thrombophlebitis
- Pulmonary embolus
- Pneumonia
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome
- Accidental perforation of internal organs
- Gastric leak
- Postoperative bleeding
- Small bowel obstruction
- Death

For more information, call the Surgical Weight Loss Clinical Coordinator at (701) 530-6330 or 1-800-472-2113 ext. 6330.
Surgical Weight Loss Support Group – Click for information.
