St Alexius Services : Respiratory Therapy – St. Alexius Services

Respiratory Therapy – St. Alexius Services

Respiratory Therapy at St. Alexius

The profession of Respiratory Therapy is a field involved in working in all areas of the hospital with patients of all ages with heart and lung disorders. They are members of the health care team that are a vital part of responding to patient emergencies. Respiratory Therapists work to evaluate, treat, and care for patients with breathing illnesses, whether they are acute or chronic.

Respiratory Therapy Team Members
Adult Intensive Care Unit
Neonate Intensive Care Unit
Electrocardiogram Lab
Pulmonary Function Lab
Echo-Stress Lab
Respiratory Care Protocols
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Sleep Center
Smoking Cessation

The Respiratory Therapy Department at St. Alexius is committed to delivering appropriate, cost-effective therapy to its patients. As part of reaching this goal, these Respiratory Therapy Services are available for your patients.

Respiratory Therapy by Protocol
Therapy by protocol is initiated, adjusted, and discontinued, based on clinical indicators. Therapeutic modalities included are:

  • Bronchodilators by metered dose inhalers, hand-held nebulizer, or intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB). Meds included are: Albuterol, Terbutaline, Ipratropium Bromide, Metaproterenol and any inhaled meds used at home.
  • Bronchial hygiene – incentive spirometry, IPPB, deep breathing and cough,Flutter valve, ThAIRapy Vest, postural drainage and percussion (CPT).
  • Oxygen Therapy & Titration
  • Ventilation Weaning & Extulsation
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation Consult
  • Perioperative Respiratory Care
  • Volume Expansion
  • Self Administered Medical Modality
  • Modified Pulmonary Stress
  • Emergency Trauma Bronchodilator Protocol
  • Pediatric & ER Bronchodilator Protocol
  • Smoking Cessation Protocol
  • Mechanical Ventilation Albuterol Protocol

Respiratory Therapy Protocols are physician initiated when ordered as “Respiratory Therapy Protocols” or “Respiratory Therapy to evaluate and treat” or when the physician has a signed standing order for respiratory therapy protocols.

Mission Statement
Our Mission, as allied health care professionals, is provide community with comprehensive cardio-pulmonary care through our collective experience, knowledge and education: therefore, promoting a higher quality of life in accordance with the St. Alexius Mission statement, “Let all be received as Christ.”

Vision Statement
To Establish a precedent in the field of respiratory care – progressive, innovative and respected – by setting the standard which all others strive to attain.

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