Division of Nursing
Division of Nursing – Patient Delivery Model
The Patient Care Team is the patient care delivery model utilized at St. Alexius Medical Center. The St. Alexius Medical Center Division of Nursing developed and implemented a delivery model in response to the rapid and continuous changes in health care, and the unique needs of each nursing unit and their patient populations. The nursing delivery model titled, Patient Care Team, is a unique model of care at St. Alexius that supports a team approach to effectively and efficiently meet the needs of our patients and their families. Each unit is specialized in serving different patient populations with unique needs, therefore operationalization of the model may vary between units. The team of staff may vary on each unit as well. Consistent with the North Dakota Nurse Practice Act (NDCC Title 54-05, 54-07, 2004) and the North Dakota Board of Nursing Administrative Rules, the common element required on each unit is that the Registered Nurse (RN) will be responsible and accountable for the delivery of patient care, the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) works under the direction of the RN and assists in implementating the nursing process, and the Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAP) works under the direction of a licensed nurse. The ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses and the RN Bill of Rights are integrated into practice at all levels of the nursing organization. |