Medical Library
ODIN St. Alexius Medical Library
The ODIN library system web site is a gateway providing access to resources on the Internet. Some of these resources include databases which offer free full-text articles on various subjects.

Step One
To Access Databases:
- Go to ODIN on the Internet
Type the ADDRESS: www.odin.nodak.edu hit enter button Login with: username: 23112001122405 password: SA3
- If you are in the Medical Library, use the mouse and click on Bookmarks or Favorites on the top of the browser page. Highlight ODIN and double click on it. Enter the site using the username and password listed above.
- To Find Health Articles:
Click on: “Health and Wellness Resource Center” Type in your subject and omit all small words like “a”, “the”, “an”, etc. You can limit your search by checking one or more of the limiters. Click on “Search” and review and/or print your articles.
Step Two
- To Find Books:
Go to this website: odinlibrary.org/sa3.html Type your information and omit all small words like “a”, “the”, etc
- Contact Mary Wieben, Librarian, (530-7718) for book ordering information.

Click an alphabet letter for a listing of Journals currently received in the St. Alexius Medical Library
For additional information about the Library contact:
St. Alexius Medical Library
Mary Wieben, Librarian
[email protected]