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Milton Smith, MD, Minot Medical Clinic

Milton Smith, MD, Minot Medical Clinic

Milton Smith, MD provides patient services at the St. Alexius Medical Clinic. Dr Smith received a Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Chemistry from Minot State University, Minot, North Dakota, a Bachelor of Science in Medicine from the University of Grand Forks (UND), North Dakota and earned his Medical Degree from the University of Texas, School of Medicine in San Antonio, Texas.

Dr. Smith completed an internship at Sioux Valley Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and a general surgery residency with UND Affiliated Hospitals.

Dr. Smith is an Associate Professor of Medicine for UND School of Medicine and is licensed to practice medicine in North Dakota, Montana and Texas. He is certified by the American Board of Family Practice. Dr. Smith is a member of the Northwest District Medical Society; the North Dakota Medical Association; the American Medical Association; the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine; the American Academy of Family Physicians; and the Christian Medical and dental Society.

Location of Practice

Minot Medical Clinic – St. Alexius

2700 8th St. NW

Minot, North Dakota  58701

Phone: (701) 858-1800

Toll Free:(800) 731-6818

Appointments:(701) 857-8055

(877) 530-5550

St. Alexius Minot Medical Clinic

Edgewood Vista

800 16th Ave. SE

Minot, North Dakota  58701

Phone: (701) 530-5550

Appointments:(701) 530-5550

(877) 530-5550

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