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Karen Brown, MD

Karen Brown, MD

Karen Brown, MD, is a neonatologist practicing in the St. Alexius Medical Center Neonatology Unit. She completed her medical degree at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. Dr. Brown continued with a pediatric residency through the University of Hawaii, then completed a neonatology fellowship at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. She is board certified and a diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics. Dr. Brown is married and has four children.

Location of Practice

Neonatology Clinic – St. Alexius

900 East Broadway Avenue

Bismarck North Dakota  58501

Phone: (701) 530-6500

Toll Free:1-800-422-0801

The Clinics of St. Alexius

900 East Broadway Avenue

Bismarck North Dakota  58501

Phone: (701) 530-6500

Toll Free:1-800-422-0801

Appointments:(701) 530-5550



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