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Peter White, MD

Peter White, MD

Dr. Peter White is an anesthesiologist and specialist in critical care medicine affiliated with the Heart & Lung Clinic in Bismarck. He received his medical degree from University of Illinois in Chicago. He completed his internship and residency training in internal medicine at St. Luke’s Hospital in Denver. He did a fellowship in critical care at St. Louis University and completed a residency in anesthesia at Washington University Medical Center/Barnes Hospital in St. Louis. Dr. White is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Anesthesiology. He is subspecialty certified by both boards in critical care medicine.

Location of Practice

Heart & Lung Clinic – The Clinics of St. Alexius

310 North 10th Street

Bismarck, North Dakota  58501

Phone: (701) 530-7500

Toll Free:(800) 932-8848

Missouri Basin Anesthesia

310 North 10th Street

Bismarck, North Dakota  58501

Phone: (701) 530-7500

Toll Free:(800) 932-8848

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