For Patients & Customers
Community Health
United Way St. Alexius has been a strong supporter of the United Way for many years. Both our employees and our Board have made significant contributions to the United Way on an annual basis. St. Alexius and its employees generally has been one of the top 20 contributions supporting the United Way. We see the United Way agency services often as an extension of our own health-related services. |
Bismarck Mandan Homeless Task Force Bismarck-Mandan has developed a local Homeless Task Force whose goal is to eliminate homelessness in our communities in the near future. St. Alexius has a representative on this Task Force, whose members come from many public and private local organizations. Homeless issues cross many areas of need, which generally includes healthcare. |
Activate Bismarck-Mandan A health-related concern in our local communities, and in the nation, is the increased obesity and decreased activity level of children and families. The mayors of Bismarck and Mandan supported developing a local project to address this need, and the YMCA agreed to take the leadership in implementing this project. Local schools have adopted this program as part of their programming.St. Alexius is a corporate sponsor, and is represented in on the planning committee. |