Great Plains Rehabilitation Services : Orthotics and Prosthetics – Great Plains Rehabilitation Services

Orthotics and Prosthetics – Great Plains Rehabilitation Services

The GPRS O&P Team
Othotics & Prosthetics Team
Dave, RTOP, Kim, CPO Minot, Mark, O&P Tech,
Joyce, LPN, CFOM, Shari, CFOM, Eric, CPO,
Todd, CO, Pete, RN, CPO & Eric, CO!
Focusing on personalized care ….

Orthotics & Prosthetics

Orthotics | Prosthetics | Women’s Specialty Services

Orthotics, Prosthetics & Women’s Specialty Services!

Orthotics Braces and Supports


Orthotics (Braces and Supports) are either custom-fit or custom-made to meet individual needs. Our certified staff is experienced in treating patients with hundreds of different diagnosis. From orthopedic trauma, disease processes, neuromuscular disorders, developmental disorders, post-polio, sports injury, post-op, and many more. We work with Pediatric to Geriatric and everyone in-between.

Orthotics Body BraceWorking in conjunction with your physician or therapist, our emphasis is placed on the needs and goals of the individual patient. Our decision making is not based on the time it will take a clinician but on how to obtain the best possible results for our patients.

  • FOs – (Foot Orthosis)Orthotics Baby Braces
  • AFOs – (Ankle Foot Orthosis)
  • KOs – (Knee Orthisis)
  • KAFOs – (Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis)
  • COs – (Cervical Orthosis)
  • TLSOs – (Spinal Orthosis)Orthotics Baby foot Brace Orthotics Helmets
  • Pediatric Orthosis
  • Cranial Molding Helmets

What’s New in Orthotics?

Orthotics Foot BraceCarbon Graphite ultra light orthosis developed for the patient with foot drop (weak or none functioning Anterior Tibialis Muscles)

Orthotics Quad BraceGravity activated locking mechanism in the orthotic knee that will hold the patient stable during normal locomotion (Weak Quadriceps Muscles)

Personalized DesignsPersonalized Designs Available


Prosthetic Legs

Our Prosthetic care is second to none. We provide complete care from new amputee education to long-term maintenance repair and follow-up. Our highly trained and experienced Prosthetists address each individual’s needs with a commitment to obtaining the highest level of satisfaction, comfort, and mobility.

Prostheses (artificial limbs) are custom-made high-tech devices used to replace an absent or deficient body part. These devices are designed to enhance the lives of the individuals who wear them. We strive to approach each individual skillfully and compassionately and to help our patients achieve their physical goals.

Prosthetics for kids

Lower Extremity Prosthetics

  • AK (Trans-Femeral Prosthesis)Prosthetics Upper Extremity
  • BK (Trans-Tibeal Prosthesis)
    We offer a variety of services ranging from geriatric, pediatric, to sports and computer controlled micro-processor prosthetics.

    Upper Extremity Prosthetics

  • AE (Trans-Humeral Prosthetics)
  • BE (Trans-Ulner Prosthetics)

    O & P Graphics by Vaughan

Prosthetics PRIO Foot

What’s New in Prosthetics BIONICS?
The world’s first intelligent foot module, the PROPRIO FOOT provides unprecedented physiological benefits for transtibial amputees. A wide and automated range of ankle flexion with proven Flex-Foot dynamics means function is as close as you can get today to the human foot.

The PROPRIO FOOT® thinks for itself, responding beautifully to changing terrain and transforming the approach to stairs and slopes, as well as level-ground walking. Angling itself appropriately, it also helps amputees to sit and stand up easily and more naturally. The PROPRIO FOOT® also has a calibrated alignment control feature. Overall, the effect is a feeling of improved proprioception with a more balanced, symmetric and confident gait with reduced wear and tear on the back, hips and knees.

Prosthetics RHEO Knee

The RHEO KNEE® is the world’s first microprocessor swing and stance knee system to utilize the power of artificial intelligence. Capable of independent thought, it learns how the user walks, recognizing and responding immediately to changes in speed, load and terrain.

The knee adapts to any situation, and not just within pre-set and limited parameters, enabling the individual to quickly regain confidence in his or her ability to walk where and how they choose.

SensorHand Speed®
Prosthetic HandsWith a dizzying 300 mm per second opening/closing speed, (over twice as fast as before) and enhanced EMG signal processing, the new “SensorHand Speed®” has unmatched performance.

In addition, our unique AutoGrasp feature prevents held objects from slipping by recognizing when an object begins to slip and automatically increasing the grip force as needed. SensorHand Speed® also allows you to use one or two input devices and to select from various control options.

Prosthetic HandsFASTER! Proportional speed from 15-300 mm/second. Twice the speed of other myoelectric hands (standard hands run at approximately 130 mm/second). Enhanced EMG signal processing and improved software make the SPEED even more responsive to user’s signals. Experienced users say they can’t ‘outcontract’ the hand.

Prosthetic HandsGRASPING quickly and with precision! The AutoGrasp feature allows the wearer to simply hold an object and avoid wasting energy on monitoring whether the item is slipping or not. AutoGrasp can even be turned off when not needed.

Great Plains Onsite O&P Laboratory


Surgical Bra
  • Breast Forms
  • Surgical Bra’s
  • Medela Breast Pump
  • Rental Pumps
  • Pump in Style
  • Nursing Bras
  • Tank Tops
  • Mastectomy Swimwear

Breast Forms Nursing Bra Rental Pumps Mastectomy Swimwear Tank Tops

Breast Prosthesis
“The custom breast prosthesis is created to imitate the remaining breast as it is held in the bra cup.”

The Radiant Impressions Custom Breast Prosthesis is a unique prosthesis, one that is custom fit to your body, imitating a removed breast as closely as possible. The shape of the prosthesis is captured from a cast of your remaining breast as supported in a bra. The back of the prosthesis, which provides an intimate, comfortable fit against your chest wall, is obtained from a cast of your bare chest area. We also offer 20+ colors to choose from for the skin and nipple/areola.
Breast Prosthesis

You may choose to wear your Radiant Impressions Custom Breast Prosthesis with a mastectomy bra or a non-pocketed bra. If you choose to wear a mastectomy bra, the Radiant Impressions Custom Breast Prosthesis should be worn directly against the chest wall and not in the pocket of the bra. The prosthesis may also be adhered to the chest wall; however it still must be supported by a bra.

For more information, please call our Customer Service Department
at 1-800-222-4989 or 701-530-4000.

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