About GPRS: GPRS is one of the largest medical product services facilities in the United States. Our 32,000 square foot facility located in Bismarck, ND has a beautiful 6,000 square foot showroom, complete state-of-the-art O&P laboratory, over 10,000 different medical products with 65 staff members to serve you.
GPRS is accredited by the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics (ABC). GPRS is a Medicare “preferred provider.”
Our Mission Statement: Great Plains Rehabilitation Services is a division of St. Alexius Medical Center which provides medical product services to the general public, healthcare professional and medical facilities. Great Plains uses its community presence to provide needed medical and health-related products to help individual lead active and independent lives.
Our Vision Statement: Great Plains will strive to be an industry leader and the finest facility of its kind in terms of quality of products and excellence in care, while maintaining financial viability. Great Plains will continue maintaining the highest standards of ethical practice, providing optimum level of care promptly and competently, taking into account the health and safety of the patient and customer.
Our Philosophy Statement: Great Plains will serve all patients regardless of race, creed, national origin or reason of illness. Great Plains will continue using its community presence in a Christ-like-manner; and to always exhibit the hospitality as reflected in the rule of St. Benedict “Let all be received as Christ.”
Information Links Click on Title to download file
Current Breast Cancer Support Group Newsletter GPRS/St. Alexius Notice of Privacy Practices Joint Commission Accreditation Information How to Contact us with an Issue/Favorable Comment
Related Web Sites: Amputee Coalition of America LadyAmp Challenged Athletes Foundation Disabled Sports USA Orthotic & Prosthetic Assistance Fund, Inc. Discovery Health Wheelchair Athletes
Indoor sports: Swimming Ice Hockey Hunting Basketball Bowling Table Tennis
Outdoor Sports: Baseball Fishing Golf Hand cycling Skateboarding Skiing Tennis Bicycling
GPRS Notice of Privacy Practices
