Arthrograms – Imaging Center
Please report to Admitting 15 minutes before your scheduled exam time. PREP: No prep is needed. If you are on a blood thinner or have had a previous allergic reaction to x-ray dye, inform your doctor. If you think you are pregnant, please tell your doctor. This procedure may be harmful to the fetus. PURPOSE: An arthrogram is an x-ray study in which contrast is injected into the joint space of the area of interest. This will help to show abnormalities in the soft tissue structures of the joint. WHAT TO EXPECT: You will be asked to sign a consent form. You will be positioned on the x-ray table. The area of concern will be cleansed and a local anesthetic will be injected to numb the area. This will sting. A needle will be inserted into the joint space. You will feel the pressure of the needle. Contrast will be injected through the needle. The needle will be removed and you will be asked to exercise this joint. A series of x-rays will be taken. POST EXAM INFORMATION: Your radiographs will be reviewed by the radiologist and your personal physician will receive a report of the findings. Your physician will discuss the results of the test with you. TIME FRAME: Approximately 30 minutes. |