Centers of Excellence : Critical Care Center of Excellence

Critical Care Center of Excellence

When it’s critical . . . we’re here 24/7!

Critical Care at St. Alexius Medical Center

Javier Finkelman, MD
Board certified in Critical Care
and Internal Medicine

Jan Levora, MD
Board Certified in Internal Medicine,
Nephrology and Critical Care

Shanthan Pendem, MD
Board certified in Critical Care
and Internal Medicine

Ankur Sandhu, MD
Board certified in Internal Medicine

Arif Shaik, MD
Board certified in Critical Care
and Internal Medicine

Peter White, MD
Board certified in Anesthesiology,
Critical Care and Internal Medicine

St. Alexius Medical Center is the only hospital in the region with critical care intensivists available for our patients 24/7. An Intensivist is a physician trained specifically in the care of critically ill patients, who spends all or the majority of their time in the intensive care unit.

ICUs with intensivists generally have better outcomes compared to those without. It is estimated that less than 15 percent of all hospitals in the United States have intensivists working in their ICUs. Put your trust in St. Alexius Medical Center when you or a member of your family need intensive care.

In the St. Alexius Intensive Care Unit (ICU), families are an important part of patient care. Our goal is to meet patient and family needs by providing flexible visiting hours that foster respect and maintain confidentiality. Upon admission to ICU, the nurse will make every effort to establish visiting guidelines that will be in the best interest of your loved one, while maintaining respect of all other patients.


  • Family is defined as any person who plays a significant role in an individual’s life.
  • Wash hands prior to entering the ICU.
  • Do not visit the patient if you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms.
  • Please be courteous and respectful of other patients’ privacy as you go to and from your family member’s room.
  • Cellular phone usage may interfere with the life-saving equipment in the ICU. Please refrain from use within the ICU. They may be used in the Atrium waiting room outside of the ICU doors.
  • Please check at the desk if the patient’s door is closed before entering.
  • Please be aware that the frequent noises and alarms in the ICU do not always signal a serious problem. These alarms are being watched at the front desk, as well as in the room.
  • Visiting of children is at the discretion of the family. Please discuss this with the patient’s nurse.
  • Please understand that although we make every effort to allow flexible visiting, there may be times when you are asked to leave the room so the patient’s physician or nurse can provide care. Visiting could also be limited if there is an emergency in the ICU. In these instances, signs will be posted.


  • The ICU is closed to visitors between 7 – 8:30 a.m. and 7 – 8:30 p.m.
  • Fresh flowers and plants are not allowed in the ICU. Balloons, cards, etc. are encouraged.
  • Shoes are required when visiting your loved one.
  • An ICU waiting room volunteer is present during the day hours. Please check in and out with them as they may have phone calls, mail, messages and other information for you.

    We ask that you remove most patient belongings, if possible. Please leave slippers, robe, dentures, glasses and personal care items that the patient may need.

    We expect family and friends to call occasionally to check on their loved one. However, if phone calls interfere with the nurse’s ability to care for your loved one, we may ask that you elect one family member to be your spokesperson. The role of this individual is to relay information received from physicians and nurses to other family members so that everyone stays informed.

    Having a designated spokesperson allows medical professionals to spend more time with your loved one by decreasing the number of phone calls that interrupt care. In case of a change in the patient’s status, your spokesperson will be the individual notified. Families may request to have a code word to ensure confidentiality. Please notify your nurse if you are interested in setting this up.

    ICU can be a stressful environment. As healthcare providers, we want to emphasize the importance of daily rest and proper nutrition for you. It is OK to leave. The ICU Waiting Room is located on the third floor of the medical center near the visitor elevator. Please be respectful of all families using this area. Coffee and hot water is also available in the Critical Care family lounge located directly outside the ICU.

    The Meditation Room is available to accommodate a variety of spiritual practices. The room is located on the first floor, near the cafeteria inside the solarium and can be reserved by contacting the Spiritual Services at X7661. The St. Alexius Chapel is located near the lobby on the first floor. Families and visitors may use the Chapel at any time. Mass is offered daily. The Solarium is equipped with soothing music, natural light and organic plants and trees giving a feeling of ease and relaxation. The solarium is designed to promote the well-being of patients, family members, friends and staff, and is found on the first floor next to the cafeteria.

    Many hotels offer discounts to families with hospitalized loved ones. Please ask your nurse for a listing of these hotels and their requirements.

    The cafeteria is located near the lobby on the first floor and serves during the following times:

    • Breakfast 6:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
    • Lunch 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
    • Dinner 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

    Meals can also be found at Café, Etc, which offers salads, sandwiches, pastries, desserts, coffees, and espresso beverages. Café Etc. is open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and is located on the first floor near the Broadway entrance and ER.

    To make a difficult stay a bit easier, patients and guests of the medical center have access to wireless internet connection from personal laptops while staying at the medical center. To access a connection, please request information from a member of the nursing staff. The gift shop offers flowers, cards and much more. It can be found near the lobby on the first floor.

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