St. Alexius Human Performance Center

Human Performance Center

HPC is a unique fitness clinic, providing complete fitness services for every person who has a desire to become healthier, no matter what age or level of fitness. Our exercise professionals design and supervise fitness programs that are medically appropriate and realistic to your needs. It’s a fun, convenient, high-tech, fully equipped and expertly staffed place to get fit and stay that way.


HPC has a nationally certified staff in this technologically advanced facility. You won’t find a more qualified or more highly trained fitness training team. Exercise physiologists, certified athletic trainers,

sport science specialists, physical therapists, and registered nurses provide a

scientifically proven approach to achieving and maintaining fitness. 

Our staff is ready to

provide testing and prescription services in order to create the ideal

training program for you. And if you so desire our staff can monitor

your heart rate and blood pressure while you exercise. 

Count on our staff to

answer questions, provide motivational support, and to help you achieve

your fitness goals.  


Highly Trained Professional Staff

Adult Fitness

Adult Strength Training 

Youth Fitness Program

Youth Strength Training

Youth 14 Classes

Phase IV Cardiac Rehabilitation

Diabetes Exercise Program

Weight Management Exercise Program

Fitness Assessment

 – Health history questionnaire

 – Blood pressure and pulse rate

 – Body mass index

 – Percent body fat

 – Flexibility assessment

 – Graded exercise test-endurance

 – Strength assessment

  Adult Fitness Program
  Youth Fitness Program
  High Performance Corporations
  The Golf Program

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