Nurse Practitioners: An Emergency Room Solution
Posted on 8/8/2003
Over the past several years, the St. Alexius Emergency and Trauma Center (ETC) observed a progressive increase in patient visits. This increase resulted in an increase in patient waiting time and a decrease in satisfaction of care received in the ETC. Staff members experienced an increase in job stress and burnout resulting in decreased job satisfaction.
In August of 2000, the incorporation of Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in the ETC was implemented in the hopes of alleviating the overwhelming patient surges, (the large number of patients presenting to the ETC at one time). According to Dr. Ben Roller, the utilization of NPs in the ETC successfully decreased patient waiting times and improved patient satisfaction. He stated that the NPs greatly decreased the overwhelming times in the ETC, decreasing staff member job stress and burnout. Overall, the NPs became a cost effective solution to the increase in ETC patient visits and surges.
What are Nurse Practitioners
NPs are advanced practice nurses at the masters level of education. In the ETC, NPs evaluate and treat patients under the supervision of the staff physician. The NPs order diagnostic testing, prescribe medications and perform precedures such as suturing and splinting. The NPs employed at St. Alexius ETC include Billie Jo Madler – Family NP, Beth Perius – Emergency NP, Stacey Pfenning – Family NP, and Annie Gerhardt – Family NP. St. Alexius NPs cover the ETC from 8 AM to midnight, Monday through Friday, and provide around-the-clock coverage on weekends.