Parkinson’s Seminar Introduces Advanced Treatment Options
Posted on 10/13/2003
St. Alexius Medical Center, along with Western ND Parkinson’s Support and Medtronic, Inc. are sponsoring a Parkinson’s Disease Seminar Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003 from 1 – 4 p.m. at the St. Alexius Boniface Auditorium (registration will begin at 12:15 p.m.).
The public is invited to attend and learn about Parkinson’s disease diagnosis, disease management and new treatment options. Keynote speakers include Ralph T. Dunnigan, MD, a neurologist at St. Alexius along with Ajith Thomas, MD, neurosurgeon and David Tullar, PA-C, both from the MeritCare Neuroscience Center in Fargo. They will touch on the disease and treatments, including deep brain stimulation. There will also be displays with educational materials and needs-related items.
Pre-registration is required. To register please call 701-530-7700 or 1-800-843-9628 by Friday, Oct. 24.
North Dakota is very fortunate to offer Deep Brain Stimulation follow-up care on Parkinson’s disease patients. Only three cities in North Dakota offer this service: Fargo, Grand Forks and Bismarck. Deep brain stimulation is considered a “pace maker” for the brain. Patients were previously required to drive to Minneapolis or further to receive this care. Dr. Dunnigan and his co-speakers have taken additional training in deep brain stimulation and will be touching on this incredible process at the seminar.