
Anonymous Donation of Life Size ‘St. Vincent de Paul’ Statue Given to St. Alexius

Posted on 7/30/2007

Recently, a life size statue of St. Vincent de Paul was donated to St. Alexius Medical Center. The statue is a bronze statue by the artist, Timothy P. Schmalz. Schmalz resides in Ontario, Canada. St. Vincent de Paul was a friend of the poor. He taught the needy about Jesus. The statue itself pictures St. Vincent de Paul surrounded by orphan children, the sick, the lame and the poor.

The artist, Timothy P. Schmalz, has dedicated his life to creating religious art. “I describe my sculptures as being visual prayers,” Schmalz’s website states. “Creating art that has the power to convert. Creating sculpture that deepens our spirituality. Attaining these two goals describes my purpose as an artist.” The donation was made to St. Alexius because the statue depicts the beliefs of the medical center. Also, the catholic values of St. Alexius are like no place else.

St. Alexius’ mission statement: “Let all be received as Christ,” is just the thinking of St. Vincent de Paul. The statue sits outside, on the patio at St. Alexius Medical Center and can be seen from the cafeteria, solarium and hallways.

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