Ways to Give : Giving Societies

Giving Societies

Benedictine Society
The Benedictine Society was established to honor the contributions made by Physicians at St. Alexius and Physicians that practice here. Every day, our physicians maintain the tradition set forth by the teachings of St. Benedict as they heal the sick, and continue as an instrument of Christ’s healing love in his commitment to nurture.

Silver – $1,000 – annually – money given towards fulfilling the mission of St. Alexius Medical Center

  • Engraved Leaf in the Tree of Life – initial donation
  • Acknowledgement at Annual Physician Day Luncheon
  • Acknowledgement in quarterly newsletter
  • 2 complementary tickets to a St. Alexius sponsored event

Gold – $5,000 – annually – money given towards a specific program or department of St. Alexius Medical Center

  • Engraved Leaf in the Tree of Life – initial donation
  • Acknowledgement at Annual Physician Day Luncheon
  • Acknowledgement in quarterly newsletter
  • 6 complementary tickets to a St. Alexius sponsored event

Circle of Healing
St. Alexius Medical Center believes that each contribution is a memorable, enriching experience. As a not-for-profit medical center, contributions touch every aspect of the medical center and helps us define the organization we are today. Your contribution continues to make the difference as we develop new facilities, technologies and services that better meet the region’s healthcare needs. Individual Donors contributing $500 or more annually will be invited to our Circle of Healing Annual Dinner.

As an employer, St. Alexius Medical Center works hard every day to ensure your employees receive the best healthcare services in the region. By providing an annual contribution towards to meet the communities’ healthcare needs, you complete the full circle of healthcare. Through your support, St. Alexius Medical Center continue to provide state of the art technology advances to keep your employees healthy. Businesses contributing $500 or more annually will be invited to attend our Circle of Healing Annual Dinner.

$500 – Pearl

  • Acknowledgement at the Circle of Healing Annual Dinner
  • 1 Complementary ticket to a St. Alexius sponsored event
  • Subscription to Innovations newsletter

    $1,000 – Sapphire
    * Acknowledgement at the Circle of Healing Annual Dinner

  • Engraved Leaf in the Tree of Life – initial donation
  • 2 Complementary tickets to a St. Alexius sponsored event
  • Subscription to Innovations newsletter

    $2,500 – Emerald

  • Acknowledgement at the Circle of Healing Annual Dinner
  • Engraved Leaf in the Tree of Life – initial donation
  • 4 Complementary tickets to a St. Alexius sponsored event
  • Subscription to Innovations newsletter

    $5,000 – Ruby

  • Acknowledgement at the Circle of Healing Annual Dinner
  • Engraved Leaf in the Tree of Life – initial donation
  • 6 Complementary tickets to a St. Alexius sponsored event
  • Subscription to Innovations newsletter

    $10,000 – Diamond

  • Acknowledgement at the Circle of Healing Annual Dinner
  • Engraved Stone in the Tree of Life – initial donation
  • 8 Complementary tickets to a St. Alexius sponsored event
  • Subscription to Innovations newsletter
  • Thank you luncheon for the organization sponsored by St. Alexius

    Alexian Society
    The Alexian Society at St. Alexius is an opportunity for the supporters to joint together in fellowship and be recognized as a dedicated supporter of St. Alexius by choosing to set up a Planned Gift at St. Alexius. To qualify, the individual may name St. Alexius Medical Center Foundation as a beneficiary of their will; establish a gift annuity, life estate, or irrevocable remainder agreement. Individuals may also choose to donate a paid up life insurance policy and name St. Alexius as owner and beneficiary of the estate.

    Grateful Patient and Families
    The Grateful Patient and Families program gives our patients, families and friends the opportunity to say, “thank you,” to those who cared for them — their physicians, nurses, therapists, and other members of the St. Alexius Medical Center healthcare team who have made a memorable contribution to our patients’ health and well-being. Your gift helps us to change lives and benefit our community for years to come; through purchasing the most modern equipment, providing continuing education for nurses and other staff, and providing the healing presence represented by our mission “Let all be received as Christ.”

    Cumulative Appreciation Levels
    Each year, donors and businesses will be honored at the Circle of Healing Annual Dinner as their contributions reach each milestone of giving.

    Advocate – $1,000 – 4,999
    Leader – $5,000 – $24,999
    Advocate – $25,000 – $49,999
    Believer – $50,000 – $99,999
    Builder – $100,000 – 249,999
    Benefactor – $250,000+

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